The first post:

Welcome to the Curious Sofa Diaries. (Who created the word 'Blog' anyway?) Here I will attempt a daily listing of what is happening within the store, upcoming events and other interesting information.
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June 13, 2006
We Won!

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August 8, 2006
Curious Sofa TV Commercial
:30 of Fame
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November 13, 2006
Gift Ideas
Gift Ideas

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Xmas 2006
November 2, 2006

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Thursday, December 07, 2006
Rethinking the Situation
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Rethinking the Situation

One thing about business owning and especially about retail is that it is a constant learning process. I mean real, significant lessons every day. Lessons on buying, selling, management, employees, display, seasons, custom ordering, leases, events, marketing, customers, landlords, money, legal- you name it. I am really turning into a grown up.
Keeping that in mind, retail experts tell you to never compare your first year in sales with anything. "Throw out the numbers" as one man told me. When we moved to Prairie Village I never thought of that advice as I had been in business nearly 5 years already. I had learned that lesson- I thought. But this year has proven me wrong, once again. It seems moving here was like opening a new business; new location, new customers, new size. So after our Holiday Open House and throughout the month of November, I was very disappointed in our sales compared to 2005. They were down. I was no longer the new kid on the block, the hip new store you had to see. The buzz was over. We have settled a bit with a good customer base. A steady flow of regulars and still, people who have never been in. The praises and aahs still come, but the numbers didn't increase the promising 5% or more. If you are a store owner, you know. You NEVER relax when your business depends on sales. Every day I check the bank statement two or three times to see what is coming through. Even when we have a great day or week- it is never enough to help me to breathe. I am always thinking about what I have ordered or what I need to order, what show is coming, what piece needs replaced, what hefty invoice is due next week. It never ends. You can see why I felt sharing this with you was not appropriate. I will always be concerned about sales, but I have relaxed a little. Today in fact, I have relaxed a lot.