Curious Sofa has been extremely fortunate this year with receiving great press. First, the local Spaces magazine did a story on my home, then in August Romantic Homes did a great spread on my house and the store and now on the newsstands is Better Homes & Gardens Christmas Ideas. Would you believe all these photo shoots happened within a three week period last February?! One angry customer had to phone in a complaint this summer saying, "Every time I need something, Debbie is on a photo shoot!" Sorry, but it just happened that way. We are also waiting on some press from Dubai, Saudi Arabia! Are you ready for that? Don't ask me how that happened as I honestly do not know. A newspaper editor found us somehow so an extensive interview and photo shoot happened, but so far, it has not surfaced. I also got another call from BH&G last week and we just finished a Halloween story for 2010. Whew.
Seeing this issue of Christmas Ideas was one big wow. Yes, I styled it and was there during the shoot along with editor Ann Blevins and art director Shawn Roorda but each time an issue featuring the store comes across my desk I hold my breath; praying for great printing, lovely layout, good cropping and interesting text- and this has it all. It is perfect
(if I do say so myself). The colors are soothing and I think there are some great ideas for you to use. One of my best customers called me from the local Barnes and Noble just screaming. I had to laugh at her, she loved it so much. Take a look below. On the newsstands until December 29th.
OCTOBER 30, 31 & Nov. 1
