I am often asked what designers I get my inspiration from. If you're a regular reader of this blog, you know my answer is usually Ralph Lauren. I love the many styles his empire can deliver from Black Label to Polo to Blue Label. I love the perfectionism of all he and his team touch from products to advertising to store design, and I am certainly a fan of his broad range of entrepreneurship from artist to retailer to style maker as well as his endless philanthropy.
In the mail this week came my new five pound September issue of Harper's Bazaar. On page 492 I see an article on Ralph and discover he has a new 13,000 SF shop in Paris and a restaurant connected that has a ten week waiting list for reservations! Where have I been? It opened in May so I guess it took three months for the news to cross the pond.
I tossed the magazine aside and hurried to Google and Ralph's website and found many links to share with you here. Once again, I sat there shaking my head at the master doing only what the master does. The video links below show you the new St. Germain store with a four year renovation, a behind the scenes look at the process, the opening night affair, an interview with Ralph and the new 2010 fashion line. Enjoy.

Notice the glossy chestnut tables breaking up the sea of black and white.

Notice the perfectly crossed paws.