The long awaited cover; Holiday with Matthew Mead.
If you are a member of the blog world (read 'em, watch 'em, fan of them) then to tell you of a new magazine that has hit the air is not news. But if you are not a blog stalker, let me tell you about someone you'll need to know,
Matthew Mead.Picture this: A stylish person you have watched in the pages of a magazine for about 20 years. You have read his name here and there, you have seen him on TV talking of his collections, you know he styles, he decorates, he cooks, he shoots... he is a full-on media wonderment, and his name is not Martha Stewart (because he is more approachable than that.) He is one of us. His talent may far exceed any of ours, but he is as real and down to earth as you can get. Heck, I even have his cell phone number!
Fast forward to May 2010 and I am meeting Matthew for the first time (which I wrote about
here) and I am hearing about a new magazine he is working on. Now mind you, this is more than just something he is "working on". He IS the magazine. He and his wife Jenny (and a staff of few) researched, hunted, planned, designed, shot, complied, AND PAID FOR IT ALL with very little advertising money. Welcome to the world of Self-Publishing. It takes some real kahunas to self-publish, and no, he did not do it via
LuLu, he found a real, honest-to-God offset printer in his home town! (That alone is worth these kudos.)
After months of hearing about the process and donating a project to the cause (shown below), I held the issue in my hands two hours ago. I had seen a few online teasers here and there but nothing prepared me for the actually bound copy. I flipped quickly and took in the overall fabulousness and then ran to my office to call and congratulate him where I actually found myself weeping as I left him a message! I felt I was holding a newborn baby, because in actuality, I was. This delivery took much more than nine months but the outcome was just as emotional.
First, The cover: Bold and simple and certainly the magazine I want on the top of the stack.
Second, you'll love how it feels. He got the paper stock just right. No glossy pages here but soft and sturdy, natural matte finish. (Think Anthropologie catalogs but better!)
Third, The smell. That's right- it smells like a fine printed piece because it is. Hot off the press.
Fourth: Contents. Every article and color category is carefully placed. Ideas, food, projects, decor and people; this has it all.
Fifth: Style. It is filled with the kind of beautiful photography, calligraphy and graphic design we have been starving for. This is the kind of magazine you will go back to over and over. This is the one we will curl up on the sofa with to study and save. Grab your magnifying glass and a beverage and get ready.
Sixth: ONLY WE HAVE IT IN Kansas City!!! This magazine can not be found on the newsstands. If you live out of town
buy it here or if you are local, come into the store for your copy. I recommend getting one soon because they will be gone. Here is a sampling:
His new magazine is filled with every genre of design and grouped in
pertinent colors. From a green story, above... a blue story with one of many How-To ideas.
Another story on whites.
I'm loving this modern mix. One of many home decor images inside.
My contribution to the magazine above and below. My little
project case filled with scrappy treasures.
I took 'cut and paste' to a whole new level with these trees.
Even this spread on a Pink Cottage Christmas fits right in.
... and great lifestyle pictures of families, couples and children.
One of Matthew's passions: beautiful food and wonderful recipes.
I AM LOVING this page shot with old calligraphy. An opening page to
an incredible section on perfect Christmas cookies.
The graphic design touches are outstanding throughout.
The above is just a tease. There are 146 pages of pure magic.
To all involved, a huge Christmas THANK YOU
and job well done. BE PROUD.
Matthew Mead: Founder, Creative Director, Editor in Chief, Stylist, Photographer
Jennifer Mead: Managing Editor, Photographer
Stacy Wiley: Graphic Designer, Art Director
Linda MacDonald: Executive Editor,
Lisa Bisson & Lisa Smith: Design Assistants (floral and food)
Sarah Egge: Senior Writer
Stephanie Nielson: Contributing Lifestyle Editor